The Magic Bullets of Lee Harvey Oswald


You who believe the Lee Harvey Oswald “Official” story, are you who believe the Magic Bullet THEORY,

you who believe the Magic Bullet THEORY are you who also believe 1 bullet can cause 7 entrance and exit wounds in 2 people,

you who believe that 1 bullet can cause 7 wounds are you who also believe that the same Magic Bullet can self-mend itself {remember the original Magic Bullet is in MINT condition} {after leaving fragments in John Connolly} are you who also believe that bullets can grow legs and jump onto hospital stretchers because that is apparently what happened “Officially” when that flight changing, self mending, leg growing bullet was found

on the wrong stretcher {not Connolly’s} at Parkland Hospital,

all of which makes you the Majority who believe in the “Official” explanation of the US Government {which is to say the Lee Harvey Oswald Magic Bullet THEORY} undeniably,

fringe lunatics.

Just remember, you of younger years*, born post JFK assassination coup d’état, these lunatics are still on the loose and in your Government and are the same criminal crackpots who have been and who will be preaching the dogma of the triple pancaking Magic dusting THEORY as to why the three towers in New York City came down on 9-11-2001. Of course to recognize these fringe lunatics, all you have to do is be awake and then you’ll hear their psychobabble Magic Bullet and Pancaking Tower THEORIES spewed dogmatically without deviation.

     For you of younger years or for you who have forgotten,

the Magic Bullet THEORY is the one and still ONLY explanation

for the first bullet which struck John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. “Officially” the dogma goes as follows…. There were three shots fired in 6-8 seconds by Lee Harvey Oswald {using an 1891 model Carcano bolt-action Rifle}, the first one missed, the second was the Magic Bullet and the third shot was the headshot. This second shot “Officially” is stated and accepted as having caused an entrance wound in the Presidents back and then an exit wound out the Presidents neck, then an entrance wound in Connolly’s shoulder then an exit wound out of Connolly’s shoulder, then an entrance wound in Connolly’s wrist, then an exit wound out Connolly’s wrist, then an entrance wound in Connolly’s thigh and then finally the Magic Bullet fell out of this final wound of John Connolly’s onto a hospital stretcher which happened to be the wrong one.

Now please remember, this is the Government’s


which they have stuck by for 50+ years and the story which the Majority of Americans believed as true and the story which is still preached “Officially” in school books and all other areas in the real and virtual world where this most significant event in US history is covered. And being that the “Official” explanation already embraces a Magic Bullet THEORY, the third shot might as well also be labeled/called/deemed a Magic Bullet, because this bullet, “Officially” accepted as being fired from behind John F. Kennedy, changes direction midflight, strikes the President in the right temple in the front, as the “Zapruder” film reveals and as the doctors reveal and as the Presidential Press Secretary states. For you who are new to this subject or you who have ignored this subject, these Magic Bullet THEORIES have been “Officially” in place and embraced by every single President since 1963 including, Pres. Obama, George W. Bush Jr., Bill Clinton, George W. Bush Sr., Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford {who happened to be on the Warren Commission}, Richard Nixon and originally by Lyndon Baines Johnson {research his hitman Malcolm Wallace and his bagman Bobby Baker}. All have firmly backed these rather suspect and questionable Magic Bullet THEORIES and a very high percentage of Americans have followed their lead and excepted this “Official” story without questioning anything. Remember, after 50+ years, still, there has NEVER been a criminal investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to solve this cold case and also remember, the Warren Commission offered a Report,

not an Investigation.