This is the cover of my new book “Uncle Scamdemic” published February 2021. There are 200 pages and the book measures 8.5 x 11 inches. For you the 95% who believe whole-heartedly the veracity of your favorite brainwashing machine, Main Stream Media TV, computer or “smart” phone, this book will squash all delusions implanted into your brain and will set you free from the Covid Cult. There are numerous quotes from various prominent doctors who will set you straight in regard to both the “pandemic” and the nature of the “vaccines”. Primarily this book offers my chronological reflective analysis of the progression of the staged events of 2020, which includes both humor and poignancy and in your face facts that will be initially rejected by all tranced out diaper-masked zombies, but slowly common sense will be resurrected and the transparency of the Covid Lie will be apparent to all. Also, there is included a fair amount of my artwork which will somewhat nullify the predictable negative criticisms spun by the hired shills of the Covid-19 conspirators who aim to overthrow the USA. Also included is a wealth of recommended resources which will further assist in your reawakening from the nightmare the perpetrators want permanent for all, except the chosen few and you the majority ain’t in that club, as George Carlin pointed out years ago. This book will be for sale on Ebay and here on this site.