My commentary on ARC



Let’s see, the founder of the Art Renewal Center online, seems, through a fair amount of sophistry,

to be appreciative of Realism in Art.

However, for some reason,

Photorealism and Hyperrealism

are both completely ostracized and banned from this online museum of 85,000 works of art.

Chuck Close, not there.

Ralph Goings,

Robert Bechtel,

Audrey Flack,

Charles Bell etc. etc.,

none of them included at all, nor are the more

modern Hyperrealists such as

Paul Cadden, not there,

Diego Fazio,

J.F. Casas,

Paul Thek,

Robin Eley,

none of them included at all.

{I did find one photorealist mentioned, no page for the artist, Greg Hildebrandt} Hmm, depriving the “largest online museum” in the World of the works of Photorealism, I wonder if that is beneficial to the understanding of Realism in Art or a cold hard premeditated calculation to eradicate all Photo/ Hyperrealists, which systematically

embraces IGNORANCE

as a means of educating the public in regards to Realism? And then there goes Frederick Ross speaking of Realism being trampled throughout recent history by the Abstract and Impressionist movements as if he cared about the survival of Realism when simultaneously and hypocritically, and with a bit of two-faced sophistry,

he secretly approves of censoring all

Photorealists and Hyperrealists

from existing in this “largest online museum”.

You add this to his disdain for David Hockney’s book “Secret Knowledge”

and you can immediately see his supersized bias against the supposed use of any camera image or any photo in conjunction with the creation of art.

Meaning he is a poser who is on his high horse

pretending that none of the Masters of the past 500 years took any advantage of any of the advancements in visual aids, optics, lenses, cameras, light projection, etc.

So self assured, he just sits there on his throne

dispensing the dogmatic self-inflicted delusion

upon the unwitting, namely, that

the Masters of Old did not use, or care to use, or dare to use, any optics or aids of any sort and the evidence,

“I say-so”,

that’s his evidence, my opinion, case closed, end of story, signed, Frederick Ross.

That’s his proof, his opinion is his proof, and when David Hockney comes along and shows numerous evidences of simultaneous advancements in the ability to realistically portray reality, way beyond mere conjecture and speculation, he F. Ross throws a tizzy and falls back on his Almighty Speculatory Theory of,

the Masters did not use any optical aids,

because, obviously, I say-so,

so says Frederick Ross, case closed, end of story.

So now that the founder {?} of the Art Renewal Website has painted himself into a corner and delusioned into reality the Theory that none of the Masters of Old ever had the notion to improve their works through the reality of the projected image, he stands as the Gatekeeper, as the YOU AREOBSOLETE

judge, jury and hangman to,

deciding to forever censor Photorealists and Hyperrealists and instead does include plenty of high school quality amateur Realism of the living artists, who all swear a non-allegiance to the camera image, who produce fuzzy, hackneyed, pedestrian level works of Realism generally derived from a limited amount of time and effort spent in life drawing class. To summarize the situation,

lenses have been around for

thousands of years for various

purposes and uses,

and for hundreds of years in conjunction with cameras and the projection of light, and for a founder of the “largest museum” of Realistic based art online to come up with some farcical, half-baked, notion that all Masters Realists of Old would and DID universally negate the use of any optical invention to aid their own artworks, is pure hocus-pocus nonsense on his part. And by the way, the Mission Statement of the ARC states as one of their aims “to expose as artistic fraud those works conceived only to elicit outrage”. Apparently the outrage elicited is the outrage of Frederick Ross {or?} at Photorealists and Hyperrealists using optical aids to create a superior Realism, this must be the reason all Hyperrealists and Photorealists are banned from this “largest online museum” of art. And needless to say, this narrowed realm of reasoning and bias and ARC theorizing is foundationally & obviously questionable, at best.

Hmm, I wonder what kind of “outrage” would be elicited if Frederick Ross ever saw my I.Y.F. Gallery of Realism mixed with Politics. I am sure a gasket or 2 would be blown. And by the way, what is an Artist to do when looking at the REALITY of our Government, REALITY, as in the FACTS, EVIDENTUARY PROOF and DETAILS of what this Government has been up to in the past 50 years? Paint pretty, happy-go-lucky, feel-good works and stay obediently blind to REALITY?