Character Assassination in the USA

Character Assassination in the USA


If you did not notice the US Government is the

Champion Name Caller

in an attempt to ridicule and assassinate the character of any intellectual dissident type opposition. This childish Modus Operandi is an easily recognizable attempt to deflect criticism away from its own riddled with moral, ethical and humane regressions.

As is known, the US Government of the past 50 years employees the most inept, intellectually vacuous, laughable, nonsensical illogical, explanations conjure-able to explain away major historic events, explanations which even include the use of MAGIC,

such as the Lee Harvey Oswald Magic Bullet THEORY

of November 22, 1963,

when John F. Kennedy was officially deemed assassinated by way of a Magic Bullet.

You see, since the US Government relentlessly employees such bogus explanations, they constantly use the tactic of name calling in an attempt to derail any and all opposition critical of the “Officially” sanctioned


This rather elementary Standard Operating Procedure employed by the Official State Propaganda Machine exists to dupe the majority so as their own official explanations are not recognized for what they are,

Indefensible State Sanction Conspiracy THEORIES.

So the name-calling Officially begins, lambasting any Intellectual analysis critical of the Official Story, as Conspiracy Theories, and by way of this systematic, nationwide hype-train of the US Government,

the Majority fails to recognize these transparent and childish tactics and is bamboozled into groupthink,

like-minded criticism of them Evil Conspiracy Theorists. Of course this group effort to abort one’s own brain in favor of State Sanctioned Dogma

is based on a predictable degree of mental laziness existing Nationwide {due in part to the state-sponsored systematic stupification of the masses by way of schooled propaganda} and as such, the victims are once again taken advantage of and are spoon-fed every answer ever worth knowing by the Official Propaganda Machine. The success of this hype-train/ Propaganda Machine cannot exist without the childish use of name calling because for children, and all Ignorance is Blissers, name calling works and deflects the minds of the Majority away from the fringe lunatic explanations and Conspiracy THEORIES of the U.S. Government. As such, once the Majority is duped and bamboozled into siding with the State Sanctioned Officialdom, then all awareness of the level of absurdity emanating from the US Government becomes nonexistent, and no matter how treasonous, transparent, ridiculous and patently false the State-Sponsored Official explanation is, the dumbed down Majority will back every absurdity Uncle Sam can conjure and spew. These duped and dumbed down masses now in their groupthink mode, become useful tools {useful idiots} of the US Government to act rather as a firewall to help protect and deflect any criticisms of the State-Sponsored Extremism and Absurdism. And so, when Uncle Sam points his hype-train finger at anyone or any group and lambastes them as being Conspiracy Theorist, then the brain-aborted-groupthink believers get right on board thinking any and all Intellectual Dissidents critical of the State and of the US Government, are merely Conspiratorial Nut Cases, never bothering ever to notice how severely fringe-lunatic the THEORIES of Uncle Sam are, nor bothering to consider the logic and science and evidentiary proof the other side is armed with, because after all, Uncle Sam says Opposition Equals Conspiracy Theory and well really, who wants to question Authority anyway, so, asleep their groupthink brains will stay, regurgitating the spoon-fed, pabulum, baby food of Uncle Sam, day after day after day

after day after day after day.