Hell Huggers


What are the reasons the majority of Americans choose to remain Hell Huggin’ lovers of Death and Destruction?









Chem Trails?






Which reason is the one which bounds you to Hug Hell so mindlessly? I doubt the dozen or more reasons Americans love to Hug Hell and War are all coincidentally in play all simultaneously resulting in this giant continent wide group hug going on in support of

every evil Uncle Sam can dream up….

Therefore more than likely the number one candidate is, Brainwashing based on a continual dosage of

Fear Mongering….

And if you have gotten this far and you have not hightailed it to the hills, then maybe you ought go ahead and identify yourself as being in one of the above-mentioned categories…



 Oh no, not I say you…

Did you take any stance at all against the Iraq re-invasion of 2003?


Then you are a Hell Hugger!

Did you take any stance at all against the Afghanistan invasion and occupation?


Then you are a Hell Hugger!

Did you take any stance at all against the Vietnam War?


Then you are a Hell Hugger!

Did you take any stance against the invasion of Panama or any of the Acts of War and aggression the USA committed in Central America in the 1980s?


Then you are a Hell Hugger!

Did you take any stance to recognize the truth relative to recognizing who really bombed the USA on 9-11-2001?


Then you are a Hell Hugger!

Admit it Nazi dupe, you still do not know there was

NO plane crash in Pennsylvania.


You still do not know there was

NO passenger plane crash at the Pentagon.


You still do not know that there was

NO 2nd plane crash on 9-11-2001.


And this self inflicted state of stupidity proves

you are a Hell Hugger!

No Worry!

Beat your chest and feel proud for you are in the Majority, Hell Hugging for Victory,

Hell Hugging for Satan,

 Hell Hugging for the Hell of It,

 Hell Hugging for at no time have you had the time to grow a brain or a pair BIG enough to recognize the truly deplorable state of your Purpose here on Earth…

 To bring down civilization, to bring down the USA, to bring down the Dream of America to a level of Satanists and Defeatists too damn cowardly to pull your head out of the

Ass of your Enslaver…

 Fascist Fux who see all mankind as expendables in the

way of Perma War, Perma Profits and Perma Godship over all that once upon a time was good Here on Earth…

 You are both the recipient of Nazi World Order mind control through repetition of Lies and your own self-inflicted

Love of Ignorance.

 Actions speak louder than words and your lack of actions, either physical or mental to take any stance whatsoever against the criminal rogue element infesting all levels of the US government proves right here and now,

 you are a Nazi Dupe.

 Just get used to it, throw on your Swastika and do the Chant, throw on your brown shirt and metal healed boots and raise that stiff arm and do the chant and feel free, you’ll be out, out of the closet free to express fully and faithfully your Nazi tendencies, for as is, you’re living a Lie, wrapped in Red, White and Blue cliches you embrace Wars of Aggression, Wars on Freedom, Wars on Truth, Wars on Privacy, Wars on the Constitution, Wars on the Innocent, Wars for Any Reason and Wars for No Reason at all {Iraq and Afghanistan}, all of which, if you have not yet noticed, is not American, so come out of the closet all you two-faced Fascist cowards, that SWASTIKA is calling YOUR name……

And by the way,

for those of you who believe in Heaven….

You the Majority are going to HELL…..