Our Sociopathic Behavior

{since ‘63}


Thank Satan for Uncle Sam, our Savior with Sociopathic Behavior, because without his Hatred of All Mankind, we would’ve been stuck with a Peace loving President, John F. Kennedy un-assassinated, with 58,000 young American soldiers un-sacrificed in Vietnam, with a million or more Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians un-murdered, with thousands of Nicaraguans, Guatemalans and Panamanians un-murdered, with 80 some men women and children un-murdered in Waco Texas, with numerous men women and children un-murdered in Oklahoma City, with hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers un-murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan, with New York City being un-bombed and on and on and on and what kind of majority here in the USA would want such

a World as that?