Confederate Flag Nonsense


Just how dumbed down have Americans got?

Right now there are discussions in the news involving

eradication of every vestige of Rebel/Confederate flags

and on top of that, anything to do with the South including monuments such as STONE MOUNTAIN in Georgia,

all of which is total nonsense for the simple reason,

it takes two to tango….meaning the Civil War was not fought by the South alone….meaning in the entire World there were plenty of other countries possessing some form of slavery, but yet, how many of those countries went down the Hellish road of killing each other in a Civil War over this issue?

….Haiti?..... Is that it?

In other words, 99% of these countries ended the issue of slavery through negotiations, discussions and civilized behavior, but yet here in the USA, where the North won the blood bath,

so too does the North attempt to write History to this very day, July 15 2015.

Now these Northern Victors these days, pretending the Confederate States we’re on the wrong side of History and the North, well,

they’re depicted as the saviors of the Union,

are today using the NAACP as their front man, are trying to put their final spin on History, by eliminating History and all vestiges of Rebel resistance and of the Confederate existence, which is more

1984-ish and Dictatorial

than having anything to do with honesty or facts or civil discourse,

no different than 1861.

And the simple fact is that the North is at least 50% responsible for the bloody Civil War for their willingness to allow and condone the murder of brothers, fathers and sons en masse rather than man-up and brain-up and bring their uncompromising asses to the negotiation table. And being that the North was ready, willing and able to murder fellow countrymen en masse, as opposed to the civil & sensible & civilized course of every other nation on Earth,

logically then, all Northern flags need be eradicated likewise,

meaning the American flag, for it obviously symbolizes a large portion of Americans who saw fit to kill rather than talk, saw fit to murder en masse fellow citizens and family members and friends rather than allow civilized sensibilities to enter their brains so as to Peaceably resolve the issues of slavery,

as every other country on Earth managed to do.

But will this easily observable reality ever enter the discussions of here and now today in the USA…hardly….I mean when this orchestrated revisionistic nonsense is foisted upon the American people, you might like to consider this nonsense as more of a diversionary tactic so you’ll be divided and conquered once again never noticing that the North, the “Union”, has fallen head-over-heels for the implementation of slavery way beyond what the South ever dreamed of.

What else could the outsourcing of millions of American jobs to the dime-a-day slaves of China be called other then a

Slavery Love Fest?

Figure it out Brainiac, the Inevitable End of Capitalism is Slavery

every time outsourcing is allowed to countries where no Rights and no Constitution exists, to where prison labor is embraced, and you the Majority will get on your high horse believing all them Confederate flag flyers & wearers are evil degenerates who’ll defend slavery while

95% of every thing you WEAR, OWN or USE in your life,

was made by SLAVES.

Yes, ride that high horse completely ignorant and oblivious to the fact that your entire existence is swamped by slave-made products….indentured servitude, involuntary slaves, prison labor and serfdom all so embraced for the

Love of Elitist Profits of the Few

OVER the Living Wage of the Many here in the USA.

Yeah, go ahead and fight amongst yourselves over flags and make-believe morals but never notice the real story relative to this issue of slavery, for if you the Majority ever did wake up, that’s when the real fight for civilization, morals and honesty would begin and the extremist Criminal Cabal in Washington DC would be sent packing for good.