USA Version 2015 versus Twilight Zone

{Which one is stranger?}


What we have here in the USA today 2015 is a Twilight Zone of such a mind-boggling scale, not even Rod Serling wrote of such Worlds or Futures of such epic proportions, of such epic bizarro-ness, of such epic pathetic-ness, not when the Kanamit nine foot tall aliens were

luring away countless humans to be

dinner in outter-space via sophistry and promises

{to Serve Man},

not when one teenage girl rebelled against uniform conformity to the Will of the State and stood up against saying to Hell with individuality and Diversity and tried adamantly to refuse a molded skin deep beauty wrapped around a vacuous empty pretentious soul

{Number 12 Looks Just Like You},

not when a young woman of extraordinary beauty is led to believe by a Fascist, deformed, derranged, Frankenstein Future State that her exquisite beauty and purity is not just a nuisance to the State, but is an unacceptable irregularity and handicap to the Will of the State and is therefore

banish-able by the State

{Eye of the Beholder},

not when the last librarian is deemed Obsolete by an all-knowing Nazi-fied Future State

{Obsolete Man},

no, not even when the mountaintop aliens switched on and off a few lights here and there leading a neighborhood to arguments, suspicions, fights, threats and murder showing just how easily mankind could be led astray

{Monsters are due on Maple Street},

no, not even these sci-fi futures could compare to the

USA version 2015….

A version here and under way under your very nose today right now where in Washington DC you have the

Three Stooges,

Laurel and Hardy,

Abbott and Costello sideshows

all in full force politically screwing up everything they ever touch, and do these court jesters of this Administration {for 50+ years} really care about the magnitude of their ineptness and incompetency relative to every major story of the past 50+ years? Hardly, these political incompetents know that a


trillion dollar bag of propaganda tricks


will hoodwink and dupe the couch potato majority and WALLA, what do you know, all the screw ups and evidence linking any and all criminality to their Scripted Realities,

well a little Spin Doctoring and what do you know,

it’s all neatly ignored by them Ignorance-is-Bliss couch potatoes and Cheery-O, the bloodbath of young American men becomes necessary to protect

Mom and Granny and Fido

from Them Evil ever-hovering Terrorists lurking around every corner….What screw-ups do I speak of you say, all you Twilight Zoned Outers too damn asleep to ever recognize the reality around your dent proof skull….

Hmmm, let’s see, You the Majority, believe there was a passenger plane crash in Pennsylvania, yet, not a single one of you 200 million people have ever seen a single photo of the crash to prove it ever happened, but there you’re dumbasses are, all 200 million of you good Patriotic Americans are in total and absolute ignorance believing the

State scripted Lie of 9-11-2001

{Official Screw-up…Uncle Sam forgot to fake the plane crash, just pointed to a hole in the ground and said, Yep, that’s it, that’s where the plane crashed, no wings, no tail section, no engines, no people, no luggage, no jet fuel, nothing, one big screw and you believed it},

….Hmm, let’s see, You the Majority believe there was a passenger plane crash at the Pentagon and yet not one of you 200 million people have ever seen any photos of the wings, the tail section, the passengers, luggage or the like at the Pentagon and furthermore there does not even exist a single photo of the entry point at the Pentagon big enough for even a double Decker bus to drive-through let alone a 747 going 500 miles an hour to crash into and furthermore if any of you 200 million people would’ve pulled your heads out of the asinine logic of your Fascist Fux saviors, you would have noticed not even the Windows were broke just above the one story theoretical entry point

{Official screw up, Uncle Sam forgot to fake even the entry point of the passenger plane at the Pentagon, let alone forgot to fake the supposed existence of the plane, no wings, no engines, no tail section, no luggage, no passengers nothing save one tiny 2 pound piece and You the Majority say, yeah, that Magic Cheech and Chong pixie dust explains that shrinkage every time and you all go back to sleep}

….You see how well trillion dollar ”Taylor-made” smoke and mirrors propaganda machines work, throw a little song and dance routine on the screen and WALLA,

day becomes night,

black becomes white,

War becomes Peace,

bullets start doing Magic Tricks,

countries become Domino’s,

and skyscrapers turn into pancakes….

And you the all-knowing couch potato will embrace that Indefensible Theory until the day you die…


You see, this current state of affairs is way beyond any Sci-fi Rod Serling script for this life you have lived has been mostly if not entirely fabricated, Hollywoodized, make-believe and scripted relative to every major News event,

from Wars, shootings, to murders, you name it

and nearly every single major news story in your lifetime has been a premeditated State fabrication for Fascist agendas detrimental to the Health, Wealth and Happiness of all Americans….Not only does this Criminal Rogue Regime in Washington DC see young American soldiers expendable, along with any country in the way of corporate and military interests, they see the Constitution and Bill of Rights

also as expendable and as for

You the People, well, you all are the Enemy of the State, Guilty as charged, case closed….

These Fascist Fux in DC hate the fact they are outnumbered and outgunned and knowing they have got away with murdering

your most popular President John F. Kennedy,

and killing 58,000 of your soldier sons in Vietnam,

and bombing men women and children in Oklahoma City,

and bombing men women and children at Waco Texas,

and bombing New York City

killing thousands and starting many senseless Wars

such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama and many others,

killing thousands upon thousands, these cowards fear someday you the real Americans will finally


to see the light of their insidious lies and finally you all will outnumber the duped, hoodwinked, naïve, gullible lazy ass couch potatoes who now enable the continuance of these criminals at all levels of this administration….

This is why these Fascist Fux, with their epic inferiority complex, are targeting your Freedoms, targeting your Privacy, targeting your Wallet, targeting your Health, targeting your Happiness, targeting your Children and targeting your Future so as to secure the success of their current & future criminal enterprises

and of course to

keep their criminal asses out of jail,

or worse…


The answer?


Fire them all now….

If Iceland can do it,

Why not the USA?

Every Democrat, every Republican, both sides of the aisle, Gone Now….Every single position appointed or elected or otherwise known or unknown in the entirety of this administration to be replaced by individuals who admit both the John F. Kennedy and 9-11-2001 Official Stories were fabricated lies and that the official story circa 1963 till now, in both instances are Indefensible Theories,

unsupported by any evidence.

This would certainly extinguish the nonstop crime spree running rampant across the USA due to the

Predatoristic Rogue Element

currently on the loose, and more than likely bring a

Peace and State of Happiness and Wealth

never before realized by

We the People

of the

United States of America….

If you want your Hellish Wars, your invasions of Privacy, your suffocating taxes upon taxes upon taxes upon taxes upon taxes, you’re Fear Mongering, your staged False Flag Main Stream Media hoaxes, your Freedom of the Press monopolized, your Freedom of Speech quarantined to minuscule Free-Speech Zones,

your Constitution shredded,

your Bill of Rights terminated,

sure, vote Bush, vote Clinton vote the same and as always, never take any of the blame for the crime sprees to come because as we all know, you had nothing to do with the American crime sprees of the past, so go back to sleep you’re too dense to give a damn about Peace, Harmony, Happiness and all that other

Hippy, Commie, bullshit…


Now, even Rod Serling would be scratching his head wondering just how in Hells Bells a country as Brave & as Free as the USA, got so Goddamn dumb and obediently enslaved and cowardly all within a span of 100 years….???? You the people have got their criminal asses in Washington DC outnumbered, what, 10,000 to 1, and you all let these Predatory Opportunistic Dragoonists just run roughshod over all that is American, I mean…

You sit back and on the one hand hear that them Freedom stifling Chinese are Evil, yet, there goes all your jobs and businesses Outsourced {remember Congress deemed that word unspeakable} to the Evil Chinese so as slaves of the Evil State could enhance Corporate Profiteering off shore while giving the finger to You the People back home….

You sit back and hear of Free Healthcare being nearly Universally true in the rest of the World and here you’re monetarily reamed for every pill and test and procedure you dare need or try to obtain…

You sit back and know that in your lifetime math in school involved pencil and paper and a brain, while now Math in school has embraced calculators and computers and Common Core math whereby no brains or commonsense or logic is ever challenged or needed….

You sit back and know the founding document which this Country is based on ,the Declaration of Independence, was written in cursive writing and yet the teaching of even cursive writing in school has been deemed obsolete….

You sit back knowing that this Country was practically built on the backs of Rail Roads where efficiency ruled supreme and now the Oil Lords have mandated the obliteration of efficiency, putting gas guzzling engines on every single one of those 500 cars a single engine used the pull….

You sit back, half narced-up from pills you believe are doing you some good while knowing the side effects often lead to depression, suicide, mood swings, aggression, and worse while knowing full well they are deleterious to your health, and that these cure-all pills can be purchased across the border for 1/10 the cost and the fat cat Witch Doctors in White and all other Pill Pushers of the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex are lining up

Vita-Jex wonder pills

to unload on you to insure proper profits for the elitist Predatory Opportunistic Gougers & Grafters

who see you as no more than

Lab Rats

targetable by their Joseph Mengele {Nazi} mentality….

You sit back and watch the systematic Crop Dusting of your blue skies by Jets in grids or parallel lines, time and time and time and time and time and time and time again, turning your skies and lives grey for reasons unknown while CNN says, oh yes, clouds now come from jets, that’s perfectly logical at the same time not one of you in the entirety of the USA

has ever seen these high-tech, high

flying Chem-trails ever in your life, pre-1990….

You sit back knowing there was no such thing as income tax pre-1915, nor no such thing as the IRS pre-1920, letting this Criminal Enterprise steal, extort and rob your lives of the billions and billions of dollars they had

zero effort in making….

You sit back and let the State mandate the

Supreme Predatory Opportunists

fear-mongering Extortionist,

the Insurance Industrial Complex,

to systematically extort billions for the fear of a

Future Hell to be paid off now,

and in exchange for this you get nothing but paperwork,

you give them billions, they give you Junk Mail….

You sit there knowing that the average miles per gallon in the 1920s was higher then than now when every slick futuristic technological advancement has been made and incorporated, and yet this is logical??????

and even if you do not know of this de-evolutionary 100-year-old trend in regard to miles per gallon,

maybe in the last few years you would’ve noticed the miles per gallon going from the 40s

back down to the 30s in new cars….

You sit there newscast, after newscast, false flag, after false flag, from 9-11-2001, to Sandy Hook knowing full well these events are entirely premeditated State fabrications to push Trigger-Happy-Warmongering-Martial-Law-Loving-Gun-Stealing Police States forward, time and time again you hear the make-believe fairytales and question

Not One….

You sit back and embrace your narced-up, dumbed-down Hell Hugging lives while never questioning the logic of this Predatoristic Criminal behavior in Washington DC

and across-the-board, from seashore to seashore, while never ever lifting a finger to effect change, demand change or want to change a thing in any way, shape or form.

You’ve become the perfect

Lab Rats for the Predatory Opportunists,

with the Mengele minds, to target…… the Snake Flag says……Tread On Me……oh, that’s right, it was worded slightly different back then in them thar Dark Ages, Tread On Me is short and sweet and so much trendier and in touch with these Times of being

Universal Defeatists and Cowards,

….leave me alone, I know what I am doing and all that I blissfully ignore, Hell, it’s all a Myth and Theory, why not let the Nazis make a comeback, I am of course all for Equal Opportunity and will not discriminate against poor ol’ Goebbels or Hitler or Mengele,

give Fascism a chance for God’s sake,

that’s what my actions prove over any Red, White and Blue sophistry I may spout, but Hell, don’t let it get out,

I mean the Swastika and Fascism has not yet been Resurrected to its deserving Full State of Supremacy and Glory, so keep all these Fascist inclinations, tendencies and intentions of We the Mighty Righteous Majority of the USA rather on the down low for now,

if you know what I mean…


From the Rat Race

To Lab Rats

{Devolve don’t Question}

I do solemnly swear to remain Blind

no matter how obvious the Crime,

to remain Deaf no matter how Loud the Lie,

to remain Silent no matter Who’s Killing Who

for whatever reason,

to remain Dumbed Down

no matter how far behind Neandrathalic logic my brain gets, no matter how many Flat Earths I need crawl,

no matter how many Blue Blood Satanic Asses need kissed, no matter what percent of my wages get rerouted for

National Security Boob and Crotch scanners,

no matter if my TV tells me clouds come from jets {CNN mid-2015} and to eat Poop Pills for my health{Doctors TV show early 2015} and that the tomb of Jesus and Mary was just discovered {News Flash replacing the View’s 9-11-2001 guest, 2011 +/-} and to believe in Magic Bullets killing Presidents in Dallas and Red Dominoes knocking over Free Countries in S.E. Asia and 110 story skyscrapers turning into Pancakes and Dust in the blink of an eye in NYC,

my level of


and Blindness

and Deafness

and Silence

has no bearing on my swearing an allegiance to

Fascist Agendas, Fascist Futures, Fascist Fux,

I am your All-American Lab Rat

ready willing and able to serve the

Cause of Satanists and Fascists,

if that means Silence, so be it,

that means Blindness, so be it,

if that means Deafness, so be it,

if that means replacing Brains with

Propaganda and Pabulum, so be it,

I do solemnly swear to be all that I can Obediently & Subserviently be according to the dictates of Fascist Fux anywhere and everywhere wrapped

Red, White and Blue or not….

You see, this is the NEW Pledge of Allegiance the Majority in the USA have sworn to, for as you know,

Actions speak louder than Words

and this sworn Fascist Allegiance to Silence and Stupidity

is in keeping with the Actions of the Majority,

regardless of whatever

Patriotic God-fearing Sophistry

they spew 24-7….

