“The Marching Song of the Covert Battalions”

Song by Billy Bragg

Commentary* by Chuck Bowden


And what do they say….”SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE BRAIN”…. The Damn rod is just too expensive, beatings cost money when you’re talking about intimidating and brainwashing whole populations, generation after generation….Necessary of course, threat, weapons, Laws, intimidation, prisons galore….Got to have them….The squeaky wheel gets the oil or beating, if you know what I mean….But really, if you’re going to play God or Dictator or some such thing and you need to make a whole country of people compliant, you need to start young…. Mandatory fluoride in water systems of course is the no-brainer step number one….But to rot, corrupt and brainwash the minds of young simultaneously, merely mandate

the Compulsory 12 year Internment Camp tethered to a trivia trough of useless B.S. info,

get them all properly cattled according to a clock….it’s all a simple capitalistic/militaristic scheme which works pretty much every time….Let’s get a quote from me from a long time ago which seems appropriate here….

”Capitalistic RULE Number One….Smart people don’t buy stupid products….

In other words….

Agenda one is the Stupification of the masses of potential buyers….

That is what school is for….Death to curiosity, death to spirit, death to desire, death to confidence….Disfunctionalization of a mind….Stupification!….Forced separation, internment, isolation from all that matters, community, family, personal interests, nature, 12 years in the age segregated TRIVIA trough…. Stupification!….Brains are force-fed a prefabricated agenda having little to do with Free Will, Integrity, Emotional Growth or the Fruition of individualistic Potential and much more to do with suppression and confusion….

You were there….Admitting being dumbed down ain’t so bad….

These days it’s a badge of honor….Ignorance is bliss!….

A badge you’ll defend till the day your last uniquely intelligent thought perishes upon some gallows pole of your brain reserved for such passings….

Buy Stupid products forever and ever!”….

So as you can see here, the War is upon everyone’s native born confidence, native born wisdom, native born integrity, native born inalienable rights, native born love of one another, of nature, of friends, of community, of harmony….And the tool to strategically disfunctionalize native born miracles in disguise, aka, children, it’s SCHOOL!….

Hand-in-hand with Religions dispensing Dogma and Doctors dispensing Drugs….And walla!….Before you know it, the mind’s gone and gizmoidal, materialistic, capitalistic affinity seems the au natural intrinsic God of choice and oh so much easier is compliance to normality when the long term interests for DE-Enlightenment are Universally in Place and along with our ”RODS” and Threats and Prisons and Plagues of Law, Our capitalistic, imperialistic, fascistic machinery seems invincible….

Mother Earth is for sale, read all about it….The Moon soon too and Mars also, it ain’t so far off….And just remember, of course you will because clones all think alike {the first clone has as of yet, never been born…ha ha…you all know differently don’t you?}, we’ve got an ace up our secret sleeve, the Military, to insure capitalistic favoritism no matter who or where, We’ll win the War of willingness to Rape and Whore-Out Mother Earth until every last hidden extractable dollar is squeezed out of her….And that pile of dollars is waiting in every mountain, lake, forest and vein, so pick your target area and conquer with God and Guns and Threat and Fear and Intimidation and with the Law all being on our Self-Righteous Money Grubbing side, Hell, it’s like taking candy from a baby…. Ah, it’s the best of all worlds….

*Excerpt from my book

"Songs Mightier Than Swords"

The Definitive Anti-War Song Book

1998 till Now Unpublished

{my earlier Quote mentioned dates from the 1980's}