Truth Hater


Noam Chomsky on the 9-11-2001 NYC horrors….

“who cares”

Noam Chomsky on the 11-22-1963 JFK assassination…

“who cares”


Not only does Chomsky disdain those researchers who are trying to bring forth the facts relative to these two biggest stories of the past half-century, he delights in the fact that people were murdered in mass on 9-11-2001…


“You couldn’t predict that the plane would actually hit the World Trade Center, I’m happy that it did”


So there you have it, straight from the horses mouth, Chomsky sides with terror. Chomsky, the pseudo-intellectual, finally spills the beans on his true colors, which are obviously anti-Red White and Blue, because he is “happy” that thousands of Americans died on 9-11-2001. And all you drooling servile flatterers of this terror-lovin’ anti-American, you didn’t know you have been so duped and bamboozled for so long, did you? I mean,

when ass-kissing left-gatekeeper, Amy Goodman,

calls him a “world renowned intellectual dissident, linguist, author and MIT professor and author of 100 books” she left out the terror-loving hater of Americans part, didn’t she? Oh, I know, you think I’m just shuckin’ and jivin’ making this stuff up, well, just so you can see how pathetically inept intellectually and morally Chomsky is, here is the verbatim text

I will be referring to…





“Did the Bush administration gain from it {9-11-2001 attack}? Well true, but that doesn’t mean it tells you anything, it just says they are one of the power systems of the world, so they gained from it, uh, did they plan it in anyway or know anything about it, uh, this seems extremely unlikely, uh, for one thing they would have been insane to try anything like that, uh, first if, if they had, it’s almost certain that it would have leaked,

you know, it’s a really porous system,

secrets are very hard to keep, so something would have leaked out, very likely and if it had it would have been before a firing squad and that would be the end of the Republican Party forever, and to take a chance on that, uh, just, uh, even if, uh, uh,

even if you could control what would…..

whatever is completely unpredictable was going to happen, uh, you couldn’t predict that the plane would actually hit the World Trade Center,

I’m happy that it did,

uh, you know, it could have easily have missed, uh, the uh, so the, uh, you can hardly control it, but what you can be almost certain of is that any hint of a plan would have leaked and uh, would’ve just destroyed’em and to take a chance on something like that

would be meaningless,

now if you look at it, there’s a big industry in the

United States, on the left as well,

I mean you should see the e-mails that I get, this huge Internet industry from the left trying to demonstrate…. and there’s books coming out, there’s bestsellers in France, and so on, uh, that this was all fake and it was planned by the Bush administration and so on,

if you look at the evidence, uh, anybody who knows anything about the sciences will instantly discount that evidence, I mean, there’s plenty of coincidences and unexplained phenomena, you know, why did this happen and why didn’t that happen and so on,

but if you look at a controlled scientific experiment,

the same thing is true, I mean when somebody carries out a controlled scientific experiment at the best laboratories, uh, at the end,

there’s lots of things unexplained,

and there’s funny coincidences

and this and that, if you want to get a sense of it, take a look at the letters columns in the technical scientific journals, you know, so, like Nature or Science or something, letters are commonly about unexplained properties of reports of technical experiments

carried out under controlled conditions,

which are just going to leave a lot of things unexplained,

that’s the way the World is,

you know when you take a natural event,

you know, not something that’s controlled,

uh, most of it will be unexplained, uh, there’ll be all sorts of things that happened, but, but you know, aft.., afterwards you can put them in some sort of pattern,

but, but before hand you can’t,

uh, the pattern maybe completely meaningless,

but if you put them in some other pattern too, if you want, uh,

that’s just the way complicated events are,

uh, uh, so the evidence that’s been produced

in my opinion

is essentially worthless,

uh, and the belief that it could have been done, is so, in…,

you know, has so little credibility that, uh,

I don’t really think it’s serious,

I shouldn’t say that, you know that I’m pretty isolated in the West, I mean a large part of the left completely disagrees on this and has all kinds of elaborate conspiracy theories and, you know, about how it happened and why it happened and so on, but I think it’s just, uh,

first of all,

I think it’s completely wrong, but also

I think it’s diverting people from serious issues,

uh, I mean, just, it just doesn’t make any,

I mean even if it were true,

which is extremely unlikely,

who cares,

I mean,

it doesn’t have any significance,

uh, but it’s a little bit like the, uh, huge energy that’s put out on trying to figure out

who killed John F. Kennedy,

I mean, you know, uh,

who knows and who cares,

I mean plenty of people get killed all the time,

why does it matter that one of them


to be John F. Kennedy,

uh, if there was some reason to believe that there was a high-level conspiracy,

it might be interesting, uh,

but the evidence against that is overwhelming, uh,

and after that it’s just a matter, if it just happens to be a jealous husband

or the mafia or someone else,

what difference does it make,

it’s just taking energy away from serious issues from

the ones that don’t matter,

uh, and I think the same is true here.”

                                                    Noam Chomsky,


And now you know how a terror-lovin’ pseudo-intellectual thinks. What else could he be considered when Noam himself says that he is “happy” that the plane hit the building on

9-11-2001, resulting in the horrific deaths

of many countless Americans that day?

What else could he be for not caring who killed

John F. Kennedy? You see, this poser is who you have been praising for years, an “intellectual dissident” who can go on and on and on and on, forever about the historical significance of some isolated event 99.9999% of us have never heard about, time after time, event after event, on and on through a whole lineage of events barely one in a 1000 has ever heard of, and yet,

according to Chomsky,

John F. Kennedy & 9-11-2001,

“who cares”,

John F. Kennedy and 9-11-2001,

“does not have any significance”,

John F. Kennedy and 9-11-2001,

“the ones that don’t matter”,

John F. Kennedy and 9-11-2001,

“not serious issues”.

You see how two-faced terror-lovin’ pseudo-intellectuals think? Just read or listen to his words and there is no other conclusion, he Hates America. I mean in his pea-brain he considers researchers of facts and evidence, relative to these two subjects, to be distractions who divert people away from “more serious issues”. Classic. He can go on and on and on, times a thousand, about what no ones ever heard of, and yet when it comes to the

two biggest news stories of the past half-century,

he thinks “who cares”.


Classic example of a left gatekeepers idiotic brain at work.

And did you notice amongst the sophistry he stated

“it doesn’t have any significance, but it’s a little bit like the huge energy that’s put out on trying to figure out who killed John F. Kennedy, I mean, you know,

who knows and who cares,

I mean plenty of people get killed all the time, why does it matter that one of them


to be John F. Kennedy”.

Chomsky, Hater of America.

He talks as if he sides completely with the terrorists, both on 11-22-1963 and 9-11-2001, when he says people die all the time and that one of them

“had” to be John F. Kennedy,

as if John F. Kennedy was targeted,

as if the END {coup d’état} does Justify the MEANS {murder of the President}.

This “world renowned intellectual dissident” encounters a complete brainal meltdown when these two subjects come up, as in a complete mental stoppage relative to both the subjects of the John F. Kennedy assassination and the

9-11-2001 horrors. He is both “happy” the plane hit the WTC on 9-11-2001 and that John F. Kennedy “had” to die and can you get anymore

Anti-American than this?

Noam Chomsky, completely and without hesitation and without question, accepts the official governmental stories/versions of what happened with these two biggest stories of the past half-century. No not only does he proclaim his obedient compliance with these two official stories of the government, he apparently is “happy” they “had” to occur. Do you observe any characteristics attributable here reflective of an “intellectual dissident”?

At all? Any?

 Here’s the definition for Dissident {1894}, “one who separates from the established religion.” And for Dissent {1913}, “refusal to adopt something proposed,

non-agreement, non-concurrence.” And for Dissenter {1940s}, “nonconformist.” And for Dissent {1847}, “declaration of difference of opinion.” And for Dissent {1856}, “to think in a different or contrary manner, to disagree in opinion”. And for Intellectual {1847}, “mental powers or faculties, related to understanding, belonging to the mind.”

 Of course I looked up the modern definition for “intellectual dissident” and could find nothing defined unrelated to China. There is the political dissident defined which morphed from the original intellectual dissident use of the 1960s in reference to the USSR.

 Political Dissident, “a person who dissents from

some establish policy. {Free Dictionary online}

Dissident, “a person who actively challenges an established doctrine, policy or institution.” {Wiki}

 You can find a definition for ARCH DOUCHE, “someone high on the corporate ladder who is also a douche bag”, and a million other trivial, make-believe, trite, pert-near irrelevant words and phrases, but the “intellectual dissident”, good luck getting that one defined.

Maybe related to the scripted & orchestrated systematic stupification of the masses, who knows. Anyway, you see, Noam Chomsky is the perfect Igorian lapdog for all of the illegitimate regimes that have come and gone since November 1963, never saying one word in dissent to the Oil-lords and Warmongers in power, relative to 9-11-2001 or the

John F. Kennedy’s assassination,

perfect silence,

mums the word

and Igor’s the name,

yes master I’ll shut the hell up

for the good of Fascist Fux everywhere

in the administration or not, my name is Chomsky.

You see, he is about as far away from being an “intellectual dissident” as you can be, for he is in perfect symbiotic collisional agreement with the

Rogue Extremists in Washington DC

whose “official” stories are based on

“Magic Bullets”


“Pancaking Towers”

which, needless to say, are the half-baked

Indefensible Theories

of the fringe lunatics in Washington DC.

But there’s poor old Noamy baby, MIT professor Emeritus for 50 years,

complaining about and analyzing every

tin-pot tinhorn dictator ever to come along since the beginning of time {more or less}

and WHAM,

up pops 9/11 or JFK and WOW,

right on cue every time,

silence, nothing, total allegiance to state declared dogma, defender of the faith, embracer of whatever cockamamie story some numbskull in Washington DC can concoct,

perfect Left Gate Keeper puppet boy,

just another charlatan.

How did you all get so duped anyway?

Superior sophistry I suppose.

Maybe his monotonal pseudo-intellectual avalanche of irrelevancies which has got you all mesmerized and stupored-out of your mind, not sure. I mean he is the walking definition of Ignorance is Bliss,

which sort of rhymes with Intellectual Dissidence,

but guess what Einstein, they’re two different Universes and you’ve been in the dumbed down version for how long? I mean, on and on Chomsky will go on the most inane point in history, but yet on the subject of 9-11-2001, oh, that’s just a lot of unexplainable phenomena and anomalies, completely meaningless, proves nothing, end of story. Talk about subterfuge {evasion, artifice, trick} and smoke screens and spin-doctoring,

what a song and dance routine good old goose-stepping, dogma huggin’ Noamy baby has got lined up for you all. Bamboozled, hoodwinked and duped all for the blind adherence to a song and dance sophistry routine

spun to stupify Americans en masse.

I mean, Chomsky, forked tongued poser extraordinaire.

I mean, what else can you say about someone who doesn’t give a damn about

who killed John F. Kennedy

or who bombed New York City on 9-11-2001?

I mean, “what difference does it make” numbskull Noam ponders, whether it was a “jealous” person or a mass conspiracy on the part of rogue LBJ extremists in the JFK administration, big deal, who cares, whatever, no difference. Why bother, there are apparently

more important issues. Just go back to sleep,

nothing to see here, keep on moving,

stay stupid, stay stupid, stay stupid and you will,

listening to the vacuous sophistry of